办理中国工作签证申请申请申请 work visa申请中国工作许可证本_地_生_活_网
A foreigner for the first time to apply for a work permit and work visa欢迎www.ugt.hnjdjiaoyu.com
If a foreigner wants to work in China, he must obtain a work permit and a work visa in china.When he apply for a work permit and work visa to provide the following materials and meet the following requirements:Basicrequirements:1.Healthy, and can pass the China healthcheck2. Having a Chinese employer entity or representative office3. Minimum 2 years relevant working experience suitable for the proposed position4. No criminal records5. Valid passport, with at least six months of remaining validity and at least 4 blank visa pages6. Male: 18-60 years old, Female: 18-55 years7. At least bachelor or similar education degree, please note that each application is different, long and complicated.The application may be denied due to various reasons, such as difficult to get documents chopped, lack of working experience, insufficient qualification, etc.b.d.s.h.5.c.o.m
To ensure the application documents are properly prepared and submitted, pleaseconsult with ourconsultantsfor more information.本地生活网www.ugt.hnjdjiaoyu.com
DocumentsWe need the following documents from you:1. Passport2. Your resume3.Local police registration certification4.Chinese Health Certificate5.Copy of Bachelor degree or higher6.Working experience certification(s) from your previous employer,7.Passport-size photo.(4.5CM×3.5CM)..8.Employment contract9.The business license of the Chinese company.(Foreign companies must provide certificate of approva .10.No criminal proofugt.hnjdjiaoyu.com
Normal Service takes: 4 week: (Work permit and work visa)原文www.ugt.hnjdjiaoyu.com
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市政管道清淤 市政管道检测 市政管道修复
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市政管道清淤 市政管道检测 市政管道修复
市政管道清淤 市政管道检测 市政管道修复
管道非开挖顶管置换 管道非开挖修复 管道机器人检测 气囊堵水作业 市政管道清淤 河道清淤
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办理中国工作签证申请申请申请 work visa申请中国工作许可证 A foreigner for the first time to apply for a work permit and work...
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